Providing the Tools Necessary to
Achieve Your Dreams
Who Are We?
Mission Statement
In a community, it is important to inspire and aspire people to do the right thing.
We strive to empower students in whatever manner we can. We create a community of self-sufficient individuals who can direct their lives and achieve their goals. We assist and strengthen people worldwide by ensuring they have all they need and lending a helping hand in any way we can.
Create Your Own SES School Chapter
As a student-driven organization, we strive to reach out to high schoolers that we may have diverse talent anywhere and everywhere! Please fill out this form if your interested in creating your own Students Empowering Students School chapter. Reach out to us if you have any questions.
Our Accomplishments
Over 150+
At Students Empowering Students, we rely on a team of dedicated volunteers who are passionate about our mission. We work closely with students at every level and are committed to ensuring that every student we work with receives the help and support they need to reach their goals.
We have spent countless of hours preparing and working to help out. Each week we have board meetings to discuss our plans forward, and how we are going to execute our duties.
Our service provides a memorable experience to those who want to join. Through what we do we hope we inspire other people to do the same and strive to give assistance whenever needed
Meet the Team
Meet the people that are behind this wonderful student-led organization, striving to do the best.
See Our Progress
Ever since Students Empowering Students was created, we have collected many achievements and have progressed through our main mission. See where we are at currently
Our Calendar
Take a look at our calendar, where we show what we have planned to do.